Delani Hulme-Lawrence sailing her Clagett granted 2.4mR

Team Clagett



Team Clagett was established in 2020 as a means of providing selected Clagett sailors the opportunity to experience training and racing at National and World Championship sailing events. The first Team Clagett event will be the 2.4mR World Championships held at Davis Island Yacht Club in Tampa, Florida USA in November of 2022. For this event Team Clagett will consist of sailors and a world renowned coach. Team Clagett will continue to raise funds for Clagett sailors to attend future national and world championship regattas. The members of Team Clagett will be chosen based on the top three finishers with a disability at the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta (Clagett Newport) in Newport, RI plus the next highest placing boat grant recipient.


Team Clagett DETAILS


  • To be named to Team Clagett, all members of Team Clagett must be Up to Date with their COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, per the CDC requirements at the time of the 2.4mR World Championships at Davis Island Yacht Club in Florida (November 5-11, 2022).
  • The C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta, from June 21st - 26th in Newport, R.I., is the 2022 Team Clagett qualifying event.
  • The top three scoring 2.4 mR competitors with a disability, plus the next highest scoring 2.4mR Clagett Boat Grant Program recipient competitor, will qualify for a place on Team Clagett.
  • Team Clagett will provide some financial and other support, including a team coach and coach boat, to attend the 2.4mR World Championships in Tampa, Florida, USA from November 5-12, 2022. 
  • All Team Clagett members shall have a current Para Sailing classification of minimum impairment. Members of Team Clagett who wish to compete in the Para World Championships shall comply with the para classification requirements of that event.
  • Only North American Sailors, including U.S. territories, are eligible for 2022 Team Clagett.
  • If Team Clagett members have outside sponsorship please check with for any branding conflict. 

First Reserve

  • The first reserve is the next highest finishing Para Sailor after the first three that qualify for Team Clagett. Should one of the Team Clagett members find themselves unable to attend for personal or medical reasons, the first reserve will be eligible to be a member of Team Clagett.
  • The deadline date for any member of Team Clagett to step down is October 1, 2022.
  • The first reserve should make themselves available to attend the 2.4mR World Championships and 2.4mR Para World Championships until the deadline date of October 1, 2022.

Covered Expenses and Team Gear

  • Team Clagett members will receive an agreed upon amount of money to go towards regatta expenses.
  • Members of Team Clagett can use awarded funds for transport, housing and regatta logistics in general.
  • Members of Team Clagett will also receive branded gear. They will be expected to wear this gear at the 2.4mR World Championships and 2.4mR Para World Championships. Team Clagett members will also be expected to apply and race with a Clagett Insignia on their 2.4mR sails and bows, as permitted by the OA.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Team Clagett is limited to sailors with a current para classification of minimum disability.

A: Only North American sailors (Canada, Mexico and the U.S., including U.S. territories) are eligible to be on Team Clagett.

A: You must participate and attend the full Clagett Newport regatta: Registration June 21, Clinic days June 22-23. Race days June 24-26, 2022.

A: You must be present at the Awards Ceremony to be a member of Team Clagett.

A: Financial support will be determined by a budget created by Clagett Sailing to send the four team members and a coach to the 2.4mR Open Worlds in Tampa, FL.

A: Yes, Team Clagett will have a coach and a coach boat at the 2.4mR Open Worlds.

A: Team Clagett support can go towards, but is not limited to, transport costs, hotels, food costs and regatta logistics in general.

A: You will be expected to represent Clagett Sailing, and exhibit the highest level of sportsmanship both on and off the water. You will be expected to wear the provided Clagett gear and sail with Clagett branding on the 2.4mRs hull and mainsail. You will be expected to attend and compete in the 2.4mR World Championships and 2.4mR Para World Championships in Florida in November of 2022 with Team Clagett.

A: If one of the top three finishing qualified competitors is unable to participate in Team Clagett the next top qualifying finisher, referred to as the first reserve, in the 2.4mR fleet will be on Team Clagett.

A: For 2022 Team Clagett eligibility is limited to competitors in the 2.4mR class.

Do you have a question that wasn't answered above? 

Email your question to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

2.4mRs sailing at the 2019 Clagett Regatta

Team Members

Team Clagett

Chris Childers

Chris Childers

Nationality: USA

Hometown: Normandy Beach, NJ

Age: 35

Home Yacht Club: Bay View Boat Club; BAADS

Year you started sailing: 1995

Disability: left leg, below knee amputation in 2004

Favorite sailing location: SF Bay!

Sailing mentor: My dad

Sailing goals: Sail to Hawaii; Try more foiling boats; Sail around Cape Horn

How many Clagett Regattas (Newport and/or Oyster Bay) have you sailed at: just 1

Other sports you participate in: open water swimming, bodysurfing, cycling, wingfoiling

Favorite saying: The harder you work, the luckier you get

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: in 2011-2012, I rode my bicycle across the country, 6500 miles over 5 months from Portland OR to South Florida (in a very roundabout way)

Peter Eagar

Peter Eagar

Nationality: Canadian

Hometown: Toronto

Home Yacht Club: National Yacht Club 

Year you started sailing: 1965

Disability: Residual paralysis from Gillian Barre Syndrome (both hands, both feet)

Favorite sailing location: Newport, RI

Sailing mentor: Peter Wood + Allan Leibel

Sailing goals: Podium finish in the 2.4mR Para Worlds

How many Clagett Regattas (Newport and/or Oyster Bay) have you sailed at:

Other sports you participate in: Rock climbing ( but before the paralysis I did a lot of skiing and mountaineering). I’m almost trying to surf, but I’m not very good 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: My animated self from 40 + years ago just premiered internationally at the 2022 Cervino Cinimountain film festival! Climbing short (cartoon)… 



Nationality: Canadian

Hometown: St. Paul, Alberta

Home Yacht Club: Royal Victoria Yacht Club

Year you started sailing: 2000

Disability: Left below elbow amputee

Favorite sailing location: Newport, RI

Sailing goals: To compete in the Paralympics.

How many Clagett Regattas (Newport and/or Oyster Bay) have you sailed at: 3

Other sports you participate in: Skiing

Favorite saying: If you practice to the best of your ability, you will perform to the best of your ability.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I started sailing with my dad when I was 4. I started to travel for events with the Sea Cadet Program. My mother is in the Navy. I come from a landlocked province.

Julio Reguero Hernández


Nationality: USA

Hometown: San Juan, P.R.

Age: 58

Home Yacht Club: CDVC

Year you started sailing: 1978

Disability: Leg Below Knee amputee

Favorite sailing location: Caribbean

Sailing mentor: Enrique Figueroa

Sailing goals: gold medal in Olympics

How many Clagett Regattas (Newport and/or Oyster Bay) have you sailed at: 7+

Other sports you participate in: volleyball, mountain biking

Favorite saying: Encantado de la vida

Charlie Rosenfield


Nationality: US

Hometown: Woodstock CT

Age: 62

Home Yacht Club: Sail Newport

Year you started sailing: About 1970 for my first sailing life, 2006 for my second

Disability: T6 Paraplegia

Favorite sailing location: Charlotte Harbor

Sailing mentor: Marko Dahlberg

Sailing goals: Improve my sailing skills faster than they deteriorate with aging!

How many Clagett Regattas (Newport and/or Oyster Bay) have you sailed at: All except the first two or three

Other sports you participate in: No ambition for more than one




Nationality: American

Hometown: Milwaukee, WI Current City: Pompano Beach, FL

Age : 41

Home Yacht Club: NONE

Year you started sailing: 2000

Disability: Bi-lateral Leg Amputee

Favorite sailing location: Mediterranean

Sailing mentors: Keri Gruson, J.P. Creignou, Magnus Liljedahl, Colin Parks, J.R. Duggan, Lee Icyda, Betsy Alison…..

Sailing goals: to continue learning how to sail

How many Clagett Regattas (Newport and/or Oyster Bay) have you sailed at: 5+

Other sports you participate in: rowing, kiteboarding, snow-skiing, volleyball, cycling,

Favorite saying: yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift; that is why it’s called the present.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I can chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.



Marek Valasek

Nationality: Slovakia / USA 

Hometown: Williams Bay, WI 

Age: 49 

Home Yacht Club: Lake Geneva Yacht Club 

Year you started sailing: 1980

Favorite sailing location: Lake Garda, Italy, Lake Geneva, WI 

Sailing mentor: Mojmir Kohut 

Sailing goals: Race competitively with my sons 

Other sports you participate in: Skiing and pickup basketball both just for fun 

Favorite saying: It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish


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