Invitations are open for the fourth Clagett/Oakcliff Match Racing Clinic and Regatta
Invitations are open for the fourth Clagett/Oakcliff Match Racing Clinic and Regatta
NEWPORT, R.I. (July 25, 2019) – Invitations are open for the fourth annual Clagett/Oakcliff Match Race Clinic and Regatta for skippers with adaptive needs on September 19-22, in Oyster Bay, N.Y. The event is hosted by Oakcliff Sailing and Sagamore Yacht Club, with Sonars provided by the Waterfront Center. Spaces for this highly popular clinic and regatta are filling fast. Interested sailors can learn more or apply for an invitation here. If you have questions, you can contact Oakcliff Race Program Director Patrick Burks at
“We are pleased to announce that invitations for the fourth Clagett/Oakcliff Match Race Clinic and Regatta are open and we have had terrific response so far with spaces filling quickly” said Clagett President and Co-Founder Judy Clagett McLennan (Portsmouth, R.I.). “As we enter the fourth year of this clinic and regatta we are very excited to be working with our partners in Oyster Bay and seeing familiar and new faces racing in September. Sailors will be able to capitalize on working with the fantastic coaching duo of Dave Perry (Southport, Conn.), five-time US Match Racing Champion and Dave Dellenbaugh (Easton, Conn.),1992 America’s Cup champion while they are in Oyster Bay. Many of the sailors worked with the two Dave’s at The Clagett fleet racing regatta in Newport in June and will be able to apply those lessons on the Long Island Sound in September.”
“We are excited to once again work with so many great people who make this event happen, providing a great opportunity to learn from two of the best coaches in match racing and expanding the match racing community,” remarked Burks.
After wrapping up another successful fleet racing regatta in Newport, R.I. earlier in the Summer, the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta are pleased to announce the 2020 dates are set and the 18th Clagett Regatta will be held June 16-21, 2020 and hosted by Sail Newport at Fort Adams State Park.
“In June we had three classes racing in Newport for the fleet racing and the 30 sailors enjoyed another fantastic regatta. The dates for the 18th Clagett Regatta in Newport in 2020 are now confirmed and we look forward to seeing sailors from across North America and the Caribbean in Newport next June,” said Judy Clagett McLennan
For more information about The Clagett visit: or follow the Clagett on Instagram @clagett_regatta or on Facebook @ClagettRegatta.
About the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta: Founded in 2003, the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta honors the late Tom Clagett (1916-2001), a U.S. Navy World War II veteran who learned to sail on Chesapeake Bay. As a youngster he suffered temporary paralysis as the result of a bout of meningitis; an experience that left him with a deep respect for the accomplishments of people with disabilities. The Clagett’s stated mission is "to develop a program that will enable sailors with adaptive needs to reach their personal levels of achievement.". Tom Clagett's motto was "Reach for Success", which resonates with every Clagett participant. Clagett competitors have seen medal success at the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Paralympic Games. Competitors often comment that, The Clagett, has improved their quality of life as they apply what is achieved on the water to everyday situations.
About Oakcliff Sailing: Oakcliff Sailing is an adult and youth training center for athletes who have progressed beyond traditional coaching methods and want to take the next step in their career. We offer trainees a proving ground to develop their skills in the three big veins of professional sailing: the America’s Cup, the Olympics, and around-the-world races. Our goal is to take American sailing back to the highest level world-wide.
C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta 2019 sponsors and supporters: The Clagett organization would like to thank the following - Fiduciary Trust International at the Platinum level; Newman's Own Foundation at the Gold level; American International Group, Inc. (AIG) at the Silver level; Innovative Construction Inc, The Horance A. Kimball & S. Ella Kimball Foundation and Alice and Bruce Whelihan at the Bronze level.